Some events recur on a regular basis and it is often the preference to automatically assume that people who were in one event will want to be included in the next event. Monthly leagues are a typical example (where an "event" represents one month's league set). But for annual tournaments you'd probably not want this behaviour and assume that everyone is expected to sign up each year whether they took part last year or not.
Auto-entry behaviour is switched on or off by the selection of the No automatic entry from one event to another option under the Joiner settings panel in Manage series. This is a one-off setting made by the Event Manager. The option is selected by default (meaning you don't want auto-entry)
With auto-entry behaviour, members and organisers can individually choose whether they want to be auto entered or not. In the context of a league, members who nominate themselves in or out of the leagues are asked relevant questions that set their choice of auto-entry. It's generally self-administered.
However, a league organiser can see and manipulate individual auto-enter settings on their behalf. Managing a successful automatic, self-service process for league inclusion/exclusion from one month to the next is quite demanding and the system employs quite a few mechanisms to make this as smooth as possible. Despite this, the league organiser is encouraged to monitor this carefully. Here's how:
When preparing the leagues in the event joiners and draw creation tab of Manage draws you have a list of non-joiners on the left and joiners on the right.
If a non-joiner has their auto entry set on, this is highlighted with a green round arrow button against their entry. It's indicative of a situation that should be noted as it indicates that the person is not in this month's leagues but would normally have expected to be auto-entered. This may be entirely intentional on the part of the individual concerned. If the league organiser suspects this is not intended then enquiries should be made. If it turns out that the individual is not expecting to be in the leagues for the foreseeable future, then click on the button and confirm to switch their auto-enter off.
Conversely, if a joiner has their auto entry set off this is also considered worthy of highlight and is indicated with a red arrow button against their entry. This situation is where the individual is participating in this month's leagues but will not be thereafter. Again, this may be entirely intentional but if the league organiser finds this strange then enquiries should be made. If it turns out that the individual fully intends to continue participation then click on the button and confirm to switch their auto-enter on.
If an organiser manually enters someone into the league from the non-joiners list their auto-entry choice is not automatically switched on. So it is quite likely, in this scenario, that the red warning button will show. You may well consider that this needs to be rectified as above.
Note that the non-joiners list can be filtered to show only those with their auto-enter on by selecting the filter button to the right in the heading of the list.
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