ManageMyMatch takes great care over who can see various aspects of your personal details and activity. There are several levels of personal information that we treat with escalating security:
- Your name
- Your contact details (email & phone number)
- Your personal information like Address, Sex & DoB
- Your detailed activity & relationship with a club
- Your detailed interaction with ManageMyMatch
- Your password and card details
Each level assumes access to the previous ones. So if someone has access to your DoB then they will have access to your contact details and your name. Each of these is detailed further below. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, complete in every detail but it covers the main points and the spirit of the controls that ManageMyMatch has in place.
If a club has a kiosk screen then your name will appear in full on screens navigated on this device - i.e. your placement in tournaments and leagues and in the booking schedule. Whilst the screen is associated with no user it has been specifically commissioned to be "captive" to the club. Anyone who has physical access to the club may see your name, if relevant, on a club kiosk screen.
Your name
Your name is not much use to anyone unless it is given in a certain context - for example as a participant in a tournament. Your name will always appear to others in a certain context these broadly being:
- As a member of a club
- As a participant in an event
- As a participant in a group or team
- As a participant in a match
- As a participant in a booking
- As a participant in a messaging channel
Generally speaking, someone else has to be a co-participant in some shape or form to see your name. When this is not the case your name will appear with the words Name Redacted and thus there is no way in which you can be identified in the context under review. For example, anyone can register with ManageMyMatch and link with a club. This is not enough for them to see the names of the people who are members of a club (let alone their contact details). If they were to hit the Member list button in My clubs to view all the club members, they'd see a long list of Name Redacted members. However, some names might appear because they might have a relationship with that person at another club. The more detailed rule is this: If someone has a current membership or other product with the club or is participating in an event that the club is hosting then they get to see the names of the people in that club. Consequently they will see, for example, your name in the booking schedule of the club as well. The spirit of this is that if they are actively engaging with a club with whom you are linked then they'll be able to see your name in the various contexts as summarised above. Note that you yourself need not be "actively engaging". By linking to a club you are making your name potentially known to those who are - for example they could find your name to post a message to you.
Your contact details
Generally, your contact details are not available to most other users of ManageMyMatch. The exceptions are as follows:
- You have ticked the Share contact details with other club members box in My clubs. This does what it says. In some of the contexts listed above, your email and phone number will be made available to other members of the same club.
- Whether you have chosen to share your contacts or not, ManageMyMatch still makes them available to those that have a clear activity based relationship with you as follows:
- Club officials at all times
- Other players who are in the same club-organised draw or league as you
- Players with whom you have played real matches in the past year (My buddies)
- Players that you have marked as a best buddy in My buddies
- Organisers of events to which you have signed up
- Group leaders or Team captains of groups/teams to which you belong
Your personal information
Your personal information is available to:
- Club officials at all times
- Organisers of events to which you have signed up
- Group leaders or Team captains of groups/teams to which you belong
Activity and relationship with the club
Other members of the club will see your name in various contexts as summarised above on a piecemeal basis that may depend on their overlapping activities. So in this regard, your activities with the club are mostly available. However there are further more specific details that only Club Officials see, such as:
- Your specific membership type
- Your club balance and all financial activity with the club
- Your sport ratings as maintained by ManageMyMatch to aid tournament organising (also visible to event organisers)
Detailed ManageMyMatch activity
In order to provide premium support, ManageMyMatch logs many details of your daily interaction with the web application. These details, together with all your activity using the system are accessible by ManageMyMatch support staff included all data as listed in the previous sections.
Password and card details
These are inaccessible to everyone - even yourself as you cannot review or see either once you've input them. Your card details are held to PCI level 1 standard by Stripe and are completely inaccessible to ManageMyMatch or anyone else.
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