Yes you can. You need to set up your own Stripe account that acts as a conduit for this purpose. This capability is really only worth setting up if you have a regular need to transfer funds back to your bank account. As a one-off (for example you've left the club and would like your credit balance returned), it is recommended that you talk to your club about this.
But if, for example, you organise a regular get-together including food that members would find convenient to pay you via club transfer and then you have to pay a caterer, then a personal Stripe account would make sense. Another example would be for a coach to extract funds when members are paying them using club transfer.
It's a fairly quick and easy process to set up a personal Stripe account. You'll find a button to start the process in the personal Stripe account panel in the Payments tab of My account. You will be asked for all the necessary details to securely identify yourself to Stripe including your bank account details. Stripe may take a couple of days to verify your account and you will be informed of the process along the way. To all intents and purposes, Stripe is a bank account and requires all the proper identity checks to pass regulatory and security requirements.
Once your personal Stripe account has been set up, you'll get a link within the same panel in My account that allows you to review/change your details as well as to see what money is in transit to your bank.
To transfer club balance funds to your personal Stripe account, click the orange Transfer button in your club credit tab of My account. You'll find a new option there to transfer to your personal Stripe account (normally you'd use this to transfer to another member).
If you are a team captain or a group leader you'll also get this option when you opt to refund yourself from the team/group account (in My teams or My Groups).
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