This article assumes that the club at which you are coaching has permissioned you to provide individual coaching sessions.
Normally, you might provide just one broad personal coaching service that attracts the same fee for anyone and everyone. In this case you need to create a coaching group to which all your clients will be members; A person needs to become a member of your group (essentially a client list) in order to receive coaching. It's easy for you to add clients to your group (or for clients to add themselves to your group).
First, you need to create the group as follows:
- Go to My groups and choose the "group context" - this will be identified with the club name and something like "Individual coaching"
- Click "New group" and you will asked for the following:
- The club at which you are offering the coaching (normally defaulted)
- A special name you might want to assign to the group
- Your fee based on a period of time together with prepay discount schemes
- Note that you will get an opportunity to set a fee against each available standard court slot period duration (e.g. 45 minutes and 60 minutes). You'll also be able to set your own duration should you wish to make it clear to your clients that your coaching is for a specific duration that does not coincide with the standard court booking slots.
- Whether the group is private or public. Private means that only you can add others to your group. Public means that anyone can join your coaching group.
- Whether the whole group is visible to each group member or not
You might want to set up different groups that cover personal coaching for different ability levels or other criteria and name them accordingly.
For any group that you create you can change any of the above at a later time by clicking on the Details button.
You can also modify eligibility rules for your group by clicking on the Eligibility button. You can specify:
- Gender (Male, Female or either)
- Age group
- Junior is under 18
- Adult is 18 or over
- Senior is 55 or over
- Ability level
- Beginner - internal rating from 1.5 to 2.5
- Average - internal rating from 2.5 to 3.5
- Club - internal rating from 3.5 to 4.5
- County - internal rating from 4.5 to 5.5
Only members meeting the criteria set will be able to join your group (if the group is public). You, however, will still be able to add anyone to the group and you'll simply get an indicator if a person in your group does not meet the criteria.
For public groups, any member may go to their My groups and add themselves into your group. But it may not be obvious to members that this needs to be done - in order to avail themselves of your coaching services. To mitigate this you have a Publicise button. Once you confirm this action then every eligible member will see a prompt on their homepage to sign up to your group within the Things that require my early attention section. They get a simple choice - either to "bin" the prompt or to confirm they want in. You may want to Publicise every few months just to prompt and remind all members of your coaching service. However, this is no replacement to other advertising and encouragement you may take externally of ManageMyMatch - the instruction being that you want members to go to My groups and sign up to your coaching group.
In My groups you can manage your clients (add and remove them) as well as see their basic contact details. You can message them (using the speech icon against their name). You can also message the whole group by clicking the speech icon next to Message the whole group prompt in the heading above your group members.
Each group maintains its own account balance and this feature is covered in more detail in this article.
Booking individual sessions and inviting your clients to take up individual booking sessions uses all the same paradigms as booking courts and inviting in a match context. See this article for an overview of how you can set up individual coaching sessions.
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