In many circumstances this is not an issue - a club has a standard court slot duration (for example, 45 minutes for a squash session) and that's the natural time you allocate for your coaching. When you review the Details of your coaching group in My groups, the usual court slot duration is automatically presented to you and you simply declare your fee for that session.
If you coach at different clubs that's fine - you need to specify your fees at each club and so you'd make them appropriate to the court durations they happen to have. In any case, you may have reason to charge differently at different club's due to travel costs or even due to different club commission structures.
However, there are situations where it may not be quite so simple. For example, the club may have some court slots that are 60 minutes as well as 45 minutes. You then get a chance to set up your fee for both durations. But you do not have to, in which case ManageMyMatch calculates an appropriate fee in the particular circumstance:
- Suppose you only provide 45 minute sessions in the above scenario where the club has court slots of 45 and 60 minutes. You or your clients can still choose to book any court slot. Whether the court booked was 60 minutes or 45 minute makes no odds to the fee you charge - it's just that your client would be liable for the full court booking fee in either case.
- If you only provide 60 minute sessions, it'll work a little differently. You or your clients can still choose to book any court slot. But for a 45 minute slot your client will only be charged for your time pro-rata - i.e. 75% of your fee in this case.
ManageMyMatch always presents you with the opportunity to specify a fee for all the court slot durations the club supports. But you can also specify your own custom durations irrespective of these court slots. So you could, in the example above, have chosen to provide only 30 minute sessions in which case that 30 minute fee would be charged whether a 45 or 60 minute court slot had been booked - the remaining time can be used by the client as they see fit (or you can ask for an extra fee for extra time at your discretion).
There is another scenario typical for Tennis bookings. Tennis courts are generally bookable every 30 minutes for 30 minute durations. Typically, bookings are made by specifying how many additional 30 minute slots are desired. In fact, for match bookings the default assumption is for it to last for one and a half hours (Three 30 minute slots in this case). When you or your clients book a coaching session, ManageMyMatch books out however many contiguous slots are required to at least cover for the duration of your coaching. For example, if you provide individual coaching for 1 hour then you'd specify your fee for 60 minutes and leave out any fee for the 30 minute slot that would also be presented. Then, when a booking is made for a coaching session, 60 minutes of court time will be booked.
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